Stabilization of waste

In our facilities, we select, destroy and stabilise the following materials:



Inks and paints

Soaps and detergents


Cleaning products

Filtering material

Residual organic matters unsuitable for consumption

In TRACTAMENT DE SUBPRODUCTES INDUSTRIALS SL are aware of the current situation and the problem supposed for the cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies the waste disposal. Therefore, we have specialized in their management, ensuring total reliability and punctuality in all the services of the working process.

The workflow of TSI consists of these steps:

Step 1. Storage

Waste, liable to possible recovery or recycling, are deposited temporarily in our prepared facilities where in a short time are assigned to a specific purpose, according to their characteristics.

Step 2. The selection

Once deposited on our facilities, the residues are classified according to their nature or their possible destination, according to the legislation in force, by our staff adequately trained in this area. Due to its characteristics, we essentially separate products from the packaging.

These materials are segregated into homogeneous groups to make easer their treatment and subsequent recovery.

Step 3. The stabilization

Once the recoverable waste is classified we destruct it through crushing and subsequent stabilization by inerting